Articles for author: Jenny


The Benefits of a Minimalist Lifestyle: Beginners Guide

In our busy, consumer-driven world, the allure of a simpler, less cluttered life may seem like a breath of fresh air. But how do we begin to navigate the choppy seas of change towards the tranquil shores of minimalism? If this question has you pacing back and forth in your overcrowded mind, then allow me ...

How to Implement a Recycling Program in Your Office

Sustainability is no longer a choice, it’s an imperative. The office is where we spend most of our waking hours and it’s high time we turned it into a green oasis. Are you excited about the idea of environmental stewardship but not sure where to start? You’re in the right place. This post is going ...


Why Reducing Stress is Good for You and the Planet

In this booming era of technology and endless hustle, stress has become the unsolicited by-product clenching the minds of millions across the globe. While discussions about reducing stress are often tied to individual health benefits, there’s an overlooked angle that carries a global implication. The interconnectedness of our well-being and the health of our planet ...


The Eco-Friendly Athlete: How Sports Can Contribute to Sustainability

Picture this: stood at the crossroads of competitive sport and environmental sustainability, each athlete faces a significant question – one which extends far beyond individual performance and delves into global impact. Can they, as athletes, play a critical part in the pursuit of an environmentally balanced world? You might be quick to jump to conclusions, ...


Outdoor Workouts: The Eco-Friendly Fitness Trend

Lacing up your shoes for a run on the pavement, flowing through a yoga sequence in the park, or challenging yourself with a boot camp-style workout on a sandy beach—as you indulge in these outdoor activities, have you ever considered how they might just represent more than a simple shift in environment from your conventional ...


Top 10 Books to Inspire Your Sustainable Living Journey

Moving forward on our journey towards a conscious and eco-friendly lifestyle, it’s affirming to find inspiration in the wealth of knowledge offered by some truly insightful books, which provide us with a roadmap to sustainable living. Whether you’re considering simplifying your life, reducing your waste, or making more environmentally-responsible choices, diving into an informative book ...